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(General Knowledge of Rajasthan) Unit-I Historical Rajasthan :- Pre and Proto-historical sites of Rajasthan. Important historical centers of early Christian Era. Prominent rulers of major Rajput dynasties of Rajasthan and their achievements & contributions (rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

– Guhilas- Sisodiyas,Chauhans, Rathores and Kachchawas. Emergence of Modern Rajasthan: Agents of Social Awakening in Rajasthan during 19th and 20th Centuries. Political Awakening: role of newspapers and political institutions. Praja Mandal movement in various princely states in 20th century. Integration of Rajasthan. Art of Rajasthan: Architectural tradition of Rajasthan-temples, fort and palaces from ancient to modern period ; Various schools of paintings which developed during medieval period; Classical Music and Classical Dance, Folk Music & Instruments; Folk Dances & Drama. Language & Literature: Dialects of Rajasthani Language, Literature of Rajasthani language and Folk literature. Religious Life: Religious communities, Saints and Sects in Rajasthan. Folk deities of Rajasthan. Social Life in Rajasthan: Fairs and festivals; Social customs and traditions; attires and ornaments. Geography of Rajasthan :- Broad physical features- Mountains, Plateaus, Plains & Desert; Major Climatic types; Major rivers and lakes; Major forest types and distribution; Population growth, Density and Distribution; Desertification, Droughts & Floods; Environmental pollution and Ecological concerns.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

 -50 Questions PART-B (AGRICULTURE) UNIT-II Agro-climatic zones of India and Rajasthan.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

 Weather forecasting and climate, remote sensing. Modern concepts in crop production. Soil reaction, interaction, soilplant–water relationship, organic manures, fertilizers and bio-fertilizers, integrated nutrient management, concept of site specific nutrient management. Irrigation scheduling and efficiency, pressurized irrigation system. Integrated weed management:- Management of parasitic and aquatic weeds. Problems of soil erosion in arid and semiarid regions. Agronomic practices in soil and water conservation. Integrated watershed management, integrated farming systems. Organic farming. 2 Dry land farming- Constraints in dry farming areas, moisture conservation practices in dry land farming,(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

 tillage. Role of agro-forestry in soil and water conservation, silvi-culture, compatibility of crops. Agronomy of important crops- cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fibre crops, forage crops, sugarcane, sugar beet, potato. Soils of Rajasthan and India, Essential plant nutrients, their functions, deficiencies and toxicities, Soil fertility and productivity, Nutrient recommendations. Formation and management of saline, saline sodic, sodic and acid soils. Micro-organisms in soils and their role. Physical, Chemical and Biological properties of soil. Clay minerals, Soil reaction and buffering capacity. UNIT-III Fruit Science :- Importance of fruit production with special reference to Rajasthan, recent trends in propagation, Nursery, HDP, training & pruning, important physiological disorders, role of bio-regulators, INM, cultivation practices of Mango, Citrus, Banana, Papaya, Sapota, Coconut, Aonla, Pomegranate, Datepalm, Ber, Apple & Bael. Olericulture :- Importance of vegetable production with special reference to Rajasthan, classification of vegetables, nursery, cultivation practices of Tomato, Brinjal, Chilli, Okra, Cucurbits, Sweet Potato, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, Carrot, Radish, Onion, Garlic, Pea, Isabgol, Aloe vera, Cumin, Fennel, Coriander,(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

 Fenugreek, Vetivar, Lamongrass, Hi-tech Horticulture. Floriculture :- Importance and scope of floriculture in Rajasthan. Precision farming, special horticultural practices, Harvest Indices, Post harvest handling. Cultivation practices of Rose, Chrysanthemum, Gerbera, Gladioli, Marigold, Gaillardia etc. Landscape gardening and styles of gardening, Lawn and its maintenance, Bio-aesthetic planning. Importance of Forestry in Rajasthan. PHT:- Importance, Principles and methods of Fruits and vegetable preservation, maturity indices, MAS, CAS, Canning, methods of packing. Preparation of pickles, Jam, Jelly, Sauces & Ketchup, Squash, Preserve and dehydrated products. Food safety standards.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

UNIT-IV Cell and cell division, centre of origin, mendelian principles and heredity, Linkage and Crossing over, Chromosomal Aberration (structure and numerical), multiple allele and Blood group inheritance, Cytoplasmic Inheritance, gene regulation and Interaction. Genetic material (type of DNA and structure), Plant Breeding methods for self and cross pollinated crops, concept of heterosis, Quantitative and Qualitative characters, self incompability and male sterility and its application in plant breeding, hybrid, domestication, acclimatization, Plant Genetic Resource of important crops, crop evolution of Wheat, Cotton, Tobacco, Potato and Mustard group, Breeding for biotic and Abiotic stresses, Inbreeding depression, polyploidy, mutation and mutation breeding , Marker Assisted selection, Release and notification of varieties, IPR, PPV and FR Act., Seed Technology, Seed Production of important crops, minimum seed standard for production and certification. Seed Act, Seed Control Order, Combining ability DNA, recombinant technology, Transgenic crops and their scope. Micro propagation and Tissue Culture Techniques. Molecular Genetic. Variation – It’s causes and importance. Multiple factor hypothesis. 3 (rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

UNIT-V Chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and plant (phyto) hormones. Chemistry of Nucleic acids and their functions. Outlines of metabolism of carbohydrate, lipid and protein. General account of enzymes, coenzymes and secondary metabolites. Brief out lines of plant tissue culture and plant biotechnology. Molecular markers and their application in Agriculture. Photosynthesis and photorespiration. Respiration. Physiology of flowering, Photoperiodism. Physiology of growth, PGRs and their role. Seed development, germination and dormancy. UNIT-VI Contribution of livestock and poultry in economy of Rajasthan. Livestock devlopment programmes and policies initiated by Government of Rajasthan. Important indigenous, crossbreed and exotic breeds of livestock (cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, swine, camels) and poultry. Livestock production systems, and migration of animal in Rajasthan. Livestock behavior and shelter management- Principles of housing, hygiene and sanitation. Management of different categories of animals - calves, growing, pregnant, and lactating animals. Milk synthesis and milking management. Conventional and unconventional feed and fodder resources of Rajasthan and their nutritive value. Hay and silage making, complete feed and fodder blocks, fodder banks. Important infectious and non infectious diseases of livestock and poultry, and their preventive and control measures. Strategies for reducing the impact of climate change: heat and cold stress on livestock and poultry production. UNIT-VII Role and importance of fungi, nematodes, viroids, phytoplasma, bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms in Agriculture. Classification, morphology, growth nutrition and reproduction of fungi, bacteria and viruses. IDM, Bio control disease management. Major diseases (Fungal, bacterial, viral, Phytoplasma and nematode) of field crops, vegetables and fruits of Rajasthan and their management. Mushroom production technology. Plant quarantine. UNIT-VIII Insect pest spectrum in Rajasthan and their classification(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

 Assessment of crop losses and their application in pest management. Insecticidal application, hazards and safety precautions, Insecticide formulation and their dilutions. Detection of insect infestation in stored products and their management. Community compaign strategies for management of white grub, grasshopper, Locust, fall army worm etc. Integrated pest management. Insecticidal pollution, residues and tolerance limit. Identification, nature of damage, bionomics and management of insect pests of major crops of Rajasthan. Lac culture, Sericulture & Apiculture. Mites and their management. 4 UNIT-IX Agricultural Engineering : Farm power and machinery, bullock and tractor drawn implements, Tools, Measurements of irrigation water, Water lifting devices. Agriculture Statistics : Measurement of Central Tendency, Standard error and deviation, Correlation, Regression, Test of Significance, F & Chi Square test, Experimental designs-CRD, RBD, SPD. (rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

UNIT-X Peculiarities of Indian Agriculture, place of agriculture in Indian Economy. NITI Aayog. Consumer behaviour, demand, supply, demand Schedule and supply schedule, market equilibrium, elasticity, Principles of farm management. Agricultural marketing, marketing functions and institutions, WTO, contract farming, future markets. Prices of agricultural commodities. e-NAM, Agricultural finance and credit, credit institutions, cooperative Banks, crop insurance. Demonstration, NABARD, GST. Agricultural development and poverty alleviation programmes. Agricultural production functionsCharacteristics and optimization. Project Appraisal Techniques. (rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

UNIT-XI Objectives and principles of extension education. Need assessment, bench mark survey and PRA Technique. Programmes of extension in India specially Shriniketan, Marthandam, Gurgaon Experiment, Etawah Pilot Project, Nilokheri Project, CDP, Panchayat Raj, IADP, IAAP, HYVP, KVK, IVLP, ORP, IRDP, T&V system, Lab to Land, ATIC, RKVY, MGNREGA, ND, SGSY, JRY, PMRY, PMFBY, Soil Health Card, NRLM etc. Recent Skill Development schemes specially PMKVY, EETP, NEEM, ASCI etc. Teaching methods, ICT applications in TOT, verbal and non-verbal communication, Diffusion and adoption of innovation- concept, meaning and stages of adoption, adopter categories, Rural leadership- types and role of leaders in rural context, Rural Social Institutions, caste, family and social groups, Programme planning- principles and steps in programme development, impact assessment, Participatory training techniques, Front line demonstrations, field days, kisan mela, campaign, writing reports, radio talk, TV talk, writing of Farm Literature and scientific information, (rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Identification and documentation of ITK. -130 Questions * * * * * Pattern of Question Papers : 1 Objective Type Paper. 2 Maximum Marks : 180 3 Number of Questions : 180 4 Duration of Paper : Three Hours 5 All Questions carry equal marks. 6 There will be Negative Marking.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

RPSC Agriculture Officer Syllabus 2024: The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) released the latest syllabus and updated exam pattern on its website for the Agriculture Office. The questions in the written exam will be from the history, art, and geography of Rajasthan. (rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Along with the RPSC agriculture officer syllabus, candidates should be familiar with the exam pattern to get insight into the subjects, maximum marks and marking scheme used by the commission. Candidates must check the syllabus to prepare for exam relevant topics. (rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

RPSC Agriculture Officer Syllabus 2024 Overview
Exam Conducting Body(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
Exam Name(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )Agriculture Officer(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
Selection Process(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )Written Exam and Document Verification(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
Maximum Marks(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )150(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
Duration(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )2.5 hours(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

RPSC Agriculture Officer Syllabus 2024: PDF

Aspirants must download the RPSC agriculture syllabus 2024 PDF from the link provided below to check the important subjects and prepare for the upcoming examination. Get the link below to download the RPSC agriculture officer exam syllabus.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

RPSC Agriculture Officer Syllabus 2024: Important Topics

RPSC Agriculture Officer syllabus consists of questions from history, art, and geography of Rajasthan and post specific subjects. Check the list below for detailed subject wise syllabus(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Part A (General Knowledge of Rajasthan)

Historical Rajasthan: Pre and Proto-historical Sites of Rajasthan. Important historical centres of early Christian Era. Prominent rulers of major Rajput dynasties in Rajasthan and their achievements & contributions – Guhilas- Sisodiyas, Chauhans, Rathores and Kachchawas.

Emergence of Modern Rajasthan: Agents of Social Awakening in Rajasthan during the 19th and 20th centuries. Political Awakening: role of newspapers and political institutions. Praja Mandal movement in various princely states in 20th century. Integration of Rajasthan.

Art of Rajasthan: Architectural tradition of Rajasthan-temples, forts, and palaces from ancient to  modern period; Various schools of paintings which developed during the mediaeval period; Classical Music and Classical Dance, Folk Music & Instruments; Folk Dances & Drama.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Language & Literature: Dialects of Rajasthani Language, Literature of Rajasthani Language, and Folk Literature.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Religious Life: Religious communities, Saints and Sects in Rajasthan. Folk deities of Rajasthan.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Social Life in Rajasthan: fairs and festivals; social customs and traditions; attires and ornaments.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Geography of Rajasthan: Broad physical features- (mountains, Plateaus, Plains & deserts); Major Climatic types; Major rivers and lakes; Major forest types and distributions Population growth, Density and distribution Desertification, Droughts & floods Environmental pollution and Ecological concerns(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Part B (Agriculture)

  • Agro-climatic zones of India and Rajasthan(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Modern concepts in crop production(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Integrated weed management: Management of parasitic and aquatic weeds(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Agronomic practices in soil and water conservation(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Dry land farming(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Role of agro-forestry in soil and water conservation(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Soils of Rajasthan and India(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Formation and management of saline, saline sodic, sodic and acid soils(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Physical, Chemical and Biological properties of soil(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Fruit Science(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Importance of fruit production with special reference to Rajasthan(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Olericulture(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Floriculture(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Preparation of pickles, Jam, Jelly, Sauces & Ketchup, Squash, preservers and dehydrated products(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Food safety standards(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Cell and cell division(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and plant (phyto) hormones(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • The chemistry of nucleic acids and their functions(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Outlines of the metabolism of carbohydrate, lipid and protein(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Physiology of growth, PGRs and their role(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Contribution of livestock and poultry in economy of Rajasthan(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Livestock development programmes and policies initiated by Government of Rajasthan(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Conventional and unconventional feed and fodder resources of Rajasthan and their nutritive value(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Role and importance of fungi, nematodes, viroids, phytoplasma, bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms in Agriculture(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • IDM, biocontrol disease management(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Identification, nature of damage, bionomics and management of insect pests of major crops of Rajasthan(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Agricultural Engineering(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Peculiarities of Indian Agriculture, place of agriculture in Indian Economy(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • e-NAM, Agricultural finance and credit, credit institutions, cooperative Banks, crop insurance(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Programmes of extension in India, especially Shriniketan, Marthandam, Gurgaon Experiment,  Etawah Pilot Project, Nilokheri Project, CDP, Panchayat Raj, IADP, IAAP, HYVP, KVK, IVLP, ORP, IRDP, T&V system, Lab to Land, ATIC, RKVY, MGNREGA, ND, SGSY, JRY, PMRY, PMFBY, Soil Health Card, NRLM, etc.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

RPSC Agriculture Officer Exam Pattern 2024

  • The competitive exam shall carry 150 marks and 150 questions of multiple choice question types(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • There shall be one paper and duration of paper will be 2 hours and 30 minutes(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • For every wrong answers marked, there will be penalty of 1/3 mark for each question(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
RPSC Agriculture Officer Exam Pattern
SectionSubjectNo. of QuestionsMarks
A(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )General Knowledge of Rajasthan(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )40(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )40(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
B(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )Post-specific subjects(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )110(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )110(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
Total(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )150(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )150(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

How to Cover RPSC Agriculture Officer Syllabus 2024?

To cover the RPSC Agriculture Officer syllabus and exam pattern, candidates must follow the strategy and tips shared below to simplify the preparation of the exam.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

  • Analyse the RPSC Agriculture Officer exam syllabus 2024 to learn the difference between important and unimportant chapters.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Choose high-quality books and resources to learn the fundamentals of basic topics and core topics prescribed in the syllabus.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Solve mock tests and RPSC Agriculture Officer previous year's question papers to assess the performance and rectify their mistakes accordingly.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Jot down important topics in a separate notebook and revise them often for better marks.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

The RPSC Assistant Agriculture Officer (AAO) Syllabus and Exam Pattern for 2024 have been officially released by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC), providing a detailed structure of the examination. Aspirants preparing for this prestigious post can download the free PDF of the syllabus to ensure a thorough understanding of all the key topics. The syllabus includes subjects like General Knowledge of Rajasthan, Agriculture, Horticulture, and other related disciplines, offering a clear roadmap for preparation.

The RPSC AAO exam is divided into two main parts: Part A focuses on General Knowledge specific to Rajasthan, while Part B covers the concerned subjects related to agriculture. The exam consists of 150 objective-type questions with a total of 150 marks.

To ace the exam, candidates must have a deep understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern. By downloading the free PDF, they can plan a strategic study schedule and focus on the most important topics for the RPSC AAO exam.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

RPSC Assistant Agriculture Officer Exam Pattern 2024

To excel in the RPSC AAO exam, it is essential to be familiar with the detailed syllabus and exam pattern. This article outlines the subject-wise topics and exam structure to help candidates prepare effectively. The RPSC AAO Exam consists of two parts: Part A (General Knowledge) and Part B (Subject-Specific Topics). The pattern includes objective-type questions, and candidates must qualify in both sections to move forward in the recruitment process.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )



No. of Questions


Part A(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

General Knowledge of Rajasthan(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

40(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

40(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Part B(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Concerned Subjects (Agriculture, Horticulture, etc.)(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

110(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

110(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

  • Total Marks: 150(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Negative Marking: 1/3 mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Type of Questions: Objective(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Exam Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

This exam structure ensures that candidates are tested on both their general awareness and domain-specific knowledge.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

RPSC AAO Syllabus 2024

The syllabus of the RPSC AAO 2024 comprises all information to be learned by a student. This will help them prepare for the exams held by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission at the Assistant Agriculture Officer level. Understanding this syllabus, therefore, is important for the candidates because it deals with a wide array of topics, designed to assess both general awareness and in-depth technical knowledge. With a well-structured study plan in consonance with the syllabus, the candidates can better target their preparation and their chances for success better.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

RPSC AAO Syllabus: General Knowledge of Rajasthan

The General Knowledge section tests the candidates' awareness of the culture, history, geography, and economic development of Rajasthan. Topics may include:(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Subject(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Topics Included

General Knowledge of Rajasthan(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

History, Art, Culture, and Heritage of Rajasthan(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Geography of Rajasthan(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Economy, Polity, and Administrative Setup(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Current Affairs related to Rajasthan(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Check out RPSC AAO Salary & Job Profile here. 

RPSC AAO Syllabus: Concerned Subjects

This section covers technical knowledge relevant to the role of Assistant Agriculture Officer. Topics may vary depending on the post and include:(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Subject(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Topics Included(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Concerned Subjects(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Agriculture(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Horticulture(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Botany(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Agronomy(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Plant Pathology(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Soil Science(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Agricultural Economics(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Entomology(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Plant Breeding and Genetics(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

Learn about RPSC AAO Eligibility here!(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

How to Prepare for the RPSC AAO Exam

To perform well in the RPSC AAO exam, candidates should:(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

  • Study the RPSC AAO syllabus thoroughly, focusing on both General Knowledge and Agriculture-related subjects.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Practice previous year’s question papers and take mock tests to assess your preparedness.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Focus on time management as the exam has a fixed duration of 2 hours and 30 minutes.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )
  • Revise important topics regularly to ensure retention of key concepts.(rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )

To enhance your preparation, consider using online resources like mock tests and study materials that provide comprehensive coverage of the RPSC AAO syllabus and exam pattern.  In case you wish to upscale your preparation for the exam, we highly recommend you to check out the Testbook App and get the best study material  including mock tests, test series, live classes, and much more and boost your exam preparation. This will help you to achieve great results in the coming RPSC AAO exam. (rpsc rao agriculture officer book and test series )